Hillet is one of the leading Flash animation design and flash development service providers in India. We offer professional services in Flash Action Scripting, Flash Game Development, Flash Streaming, Flash web design, or in short, anything that partakes to Flash animation development - all at competitive prices. Thanks again to our base in India. Our services are offered in a need-based manner, i.e. we do not offer ready-made Flash scripting, but custom-made solutions specifically incepted, designed, and delivered to meet to your exact need.
Files used for the Flash:
There are 4 types of files used for template Flash animations:
The .fla file: This file is the original source program. This file can be found in your "flash" folder and must be edited in Flash MX or higher (Flash CS4 Professional is the current version).
The .swf file: This file is the actual animation and must be uploaded with the template for the animation to work.
The flash.txt: This file is used to control the text content, it can not be used to change font colors or style. You can also not add additional lines unless you edit the .fla file and add more variables.
Template .js files: All code that actually runs the Flash animations will be inside .js files. These may be named and include the: header.js, sidebar.js, imagechanger.js or intro.js.